Green Transition

The major upheavals of these recent years are transforming our buying habits day after day. Increasing development of new economies, deployment of new information technologies, various crises, either financial or health, have enabled the emergence of new consumption patterns. Increasingly responsible and informed, particularly attentive to their buying habits, the "New Customer" now appreciates sustainability and seeks ethical products as a criteria for high quality and reliability.

Our Expertise

Gain & Sustain!


This is Adone Conseil’s vision in the support we offer to our customers for the redefinition of their new eco-responsible and sustainable challenges.

From a very “economic” role, companies are now evolving towards a position more centered around their “social” impact.  The quality of their products and associated services, credibility, reliability and reputation are today’s and tomorrow’s major challenges for the Maisons.

This reality becomes a competitiveness factor as such; and allows us to stay alongside increasingly demanding consumers.

Our Offers



Improve the sourcing of raw materials

Adone supports you in your processes in order to improve the sourcing of your raw materials and to empower your suppliers regarding your own social and environmental issues.

This methodology is first based on the creation of a scorecard gathering all the Green KPIs related to a supplier. These KPIs are monitored by PowerBI or Excel and also enable you to select new suppliers according to the new criteria that have been defined.

The second axis is to rethink the sourcing strategy, based on an eco-responsible analysis. This analysis meets ecological requirements for materials and services.

In the third and last step, Adone carries out an audit of suppliers which can lead to the redefinition of their contracts or the implementation of new customer-supplier charters.



Comply with environmental regulations

In terms of production, it is possible to considerably reduce our environmental footprint by promoting a transition to energy-efficient technologies.

First, by limiting the use of hazardous substances and by improving the efficiency of materials in all different stages of production: factory, machine and process.

Furthermore, some materials considered as waste by some companies, can be on the contrary, a valuable contribution for others. This circular economy creates additional sources of profit through the exchange of waste and emissions.

Finally, by simply deploying methods such as Kaizen, 5S or 6∑ for example, it is possible to optimize our energy consumption, by reducing waste and minimizing overproduction.



Reduce the negative environmental impact of logistics

From the warehouse to the last mile, there are many Supply levers to ensure a Green Transition.

In several steps Adone accompanies you on:

  • maximization of storage areas,
  • greener packaging management by reducing it and favoring sustainable materials,
  • transport network and logistics optimization by pooling systems,
  • the transition to less polluting transport modes,

and the implementation of traceability systems to drive Green performance.

After Sales

After Sales

Enable a second life of the product

Our consultants support you in defining and setting up this circular production.

Dismantling and disassembling products, recovering raw materials, recycling… The second life of the product is now a social and an environmental issue which implies structuring its logistics and upcycling operations in an organizational, technological and financial logic.

The other stake for After-Sales, is the creation of a product digital identity card that allows for the brand, an end-to-end monitoring throughout the production chain, from its passage in Retail, to the second hand, passing – sometimes – by the After-Sales service.

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